Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It's Been A While

Been a long time,

Haven't posted for a bit, I've been busy with sick kids and also with some of my own issues. I finally got a minute to post. Been in a lot of pain lately which sort of sucks but I get by. Also I have been having some fatigue and dizziness as well.

So I promised to talk about how I deal with my symptoms. Well to begin with I have to take things one day at a time. On days I have a lot of pain and fatigue I usually just stay in bed all day because it usually hurts to move and such. I also try to focus on other things when I am in pain to take my mind off of it. Breathing exercises also help quite a bit.

The main advice I can on dealing/living with a disability of any sort is to accept things how they are are. This DOES NOT mean give up on life but accept your own limitations and learn how to live with your self. Some more advice for people who are disabled and have a condition that keeps getting worse is do what you can while you can. This may sound simple but it really isn't. You have to find a support group of friends and family to really help you adjust. You also have to find a balance though, you do not want to rely on your friends and family too much and forget how to do things for your self. Sometimes when someone is disabled they tend to give up and just have everyone do everything for them, which is fine if they truly can not do anything for them self.

Sometimes it takes just learning how to do things differently. Such as I have learned to use my arm strength (when I have it) to get a lot of things done. Such as crawling up into the bathtub or pulling my self up onto a chair.

Also one last thing to remember... It is OKAY to get upset, to get depressed, and to get angry. It is normal to go through these emotions..You just can not dwell on such things and try to be positive. With that said no one can be positive all the time. I admit sometimes I fake being positive just to please people. Sometimes I hate doing this but it can be easier than not faking it. I personally do not recommend doing this; this is something that I am still working on.

Well off to the doctor..

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