Thursday, March 21, 2013


So I haven't written in a while,

I really haven't had a lot to say or what not but today I figured I write something since people do check this to see how I am feeling. Today I am miserable. Constant migraine since 6:00am with dizziness and shortness of breath. Also my vision has been blurry and having blindness in bright light type issues. I am experiencing some dizziness today, shortness of breath, and nerve pain real bad in my legs.

I haven't had these combination of symptoms for quite a while and it really sucks because you can forget what it feels like and miserable it makes you until it happens. So how do I cope. Well currently I am sitting in the living room  wit no lights on, black out curtains on the windows with my monitor brightness on low. Also drinking water because my stomach is all upset due to the dizziness and migraine. Earlier I laid down with all the covers over me, not letting light in where I did some breathing exercises to prevent my self from screaming/crying in pain, I eventually passed out for a bit and woke back up.

So back to the question, "How am I dealing with this today?" Well one really can't, you just have to let it happen and run it's course. Took some migraine pills which have been failsauce today. If I am not better in a couple hours I may go to the doctor or ER. Like all post I am not really posting this to complain or get sympathy, just being informative. People always ask me what I am like on my real bad days and this ranks up there pretty high but at least I can get out of bed and I am able to move :)

Anyways the screen is making my eyes hurt, I will post back later with an update


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