Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Two Updates in One Month? How bout that..


I went and saw my doctor the other day and told him of my pain increase and my migraine frequency and pain level increase. He decided to put me on a new migraine medication. It works pretty well. It makes me sleep for a couple hours almost immediately after I take it but then I feel pretty fantastic. Not that I can magically walk again or anything like that but more so more functional (not laying in bed as much). This may be because the pills contain serotonin which is as some call it a "happy/wellness chemical" Anyways the pain free effect seems to last just about 24ish hours which is nice. My doctor also increased the frequency in which I take my nerve pain pills as well (neurotin).

So how have I been?

To be blunt quite miserable. A lot of pain off and on (hince the doctor visit), dizziness, breathing issues, and been weak and stiff. I've also been quite busy lately. Debating on planning a youth Halloween event or not. As I told my doctor I try to do as much as I can while I can. I have also have been finding my self nodding and smiling my way through things.

More recently ( pass 24 hours) I haven't been doing that great either heh...I spent part of the day laying down unable to get up out of bed which has really sucked. I also had some chest pains, dizziness, shortness of breath for a brief moment earlier. I took an aspirin and they eventually went away.  I hope today/tomorrow is better.

Now for some what more on the treatment of the disabled; something I touched on once before.

I want to ask those who read this, what do they see what is the first thing they think of when they see a disabled person? If you don't mind please comment on this post your honest answer. I won't judge you or be upset. I would like to say this, I hope for a variety of honest answers.

So this was Chiari month. I am unsure if Missouri had any fund raising events or not. I didn't hear any so I didn't post any info, I apologize if I missed any.

So yea life has been hard this month but I think life is hard for everyone at some point or another. Also when I said life has been hard for me I in no way mean to say my life is worse than anyone else. I believe that topic like that is somewhat relative to an individual and to said individual's own situation. Something can feel like the worse thing ever to one person and not to another, that by no means belittles another person's situation. Not that I think everything in the world is relative but this yes...

Anyways time to get kids ready for school.


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