Saturday, January 4, 2014

Jan. Post


Thought I'd drop a quick post. Not really have a lot to say right now though. The cold sucks, it makes my joints hurt and hard to move around but that is pretty normal for this time of year.

I recently had a tooth pulled due to a nerve regrowing after a filling came out. The nerve was grown up and out of the tooth and got infected from a lung infection I had. It was all sorts of fun.. Dentist just numbed me up and used a pair of plyers to yank it out. Was a pretty quick  pulling.

My back has been bothering me quite a bit so I have been sitting on a heating pad quite a bit. The heating pad has been helping some.

On the plus side we had a good Christmas. We did a lot of traveling to several family events. It was an alright time but wore me out quite a bit. It took me a couple days to recover from all the traveling. We had around 3 different Christmas events to go to. It was over all pretty fun though.

Anyways I need to get off of here for now.

Ta ta for now, may write later...

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